Tuesday, November 14

Rx for shoes!

HOORAY! I now have a written Rx for wearing tennis shoes the rest of my pregnancy. Let's just say after a bad week last week, and wearing tennis shoes ONE DAY b/c my feet were sore and swolen, I got chewed out by my boss (lovely), so I asked my Doctor for a note.


I am still laughing that I even had to ask for this! I mean, COME ON! I am 7 months pregnant, and carrying around 20 extra pounds. GIVE ME A BREAK!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ya, hilarious. I got your message about this and was cracking up. Make your boss strap on a tummy (those kind that hubby's have to put on for prego classes) and walk around in heels. I bet his little "rule" won't last long.